It’s been a long time some of my readers asked me to make a full guide to Google AdSense. So today I decided to make a thorough guide to explain AdSense. This article contains everything that you must know about what is Google AdSense? How AdSense works and how to make money with AdSense program.
So take a cup of tea and start learning from scratch.
What is Google AdSense?
According to Wikipedia, ‘Google AdSense is a program run by Google that allows publishers in the Google network of content sites to serve automatic text, image, video, or interactive media advertisement. ’
According to me, ‘this is an advertising network where advertisers partially connected with publishers and serve the advertisement to publisher’s website to convert real traffic into money.
It is a CPC network that allows publishers to put ad code to their site and shows the ads related to content.
It is a system where the publisher is used to promote advertiser’s product & services.
Before explaining how Google AdSense works, I want to clear some roadblocks in your mind.
If you’re a fresher, you would be confused about what is an AdSense publisher? Wouldn’t you.
In short, an AdSense publisher is one who applies for AdSense and gets approved.
For example, if you have applied for Google AdSense and get AdSense approval, then you are known as an AdSense publisher.
How to become Google AdSense publisher?
For that, either you need to have a blog or YouTube channel. But this is not enough. There are so many other things that you need to know to become AdSense publisher.
First thing first, create your website or YouTube channel.
Making a blog/website is easy. There is a couple of website platform that you can use to make your blog or website.
Which blog platform is better Blogger or WordPress?
I suggest you choose WordPress for your dream site. You probably select BlogSpot because this is free. and these both are different blog platforms. is a free blog platform where you can create your blog for free.
But unfortunately, the free version of does not allow you to put AdSense or any other third party ads.
Only WordAds ad platform is available for free users.
If you want to take the benefits of third-party advertising ( ex. Google AdSense), then you need to purchase business plan which cost you around 30$ per month.
But on the other hand, is a self-hosted blog platform where you can put multiple ad networks and take the advantages of hosting privilege. There are two things that you need to have –
- Domain name
- Hosting- What is web hosting
Once you’ve purchased both, you’re ready to launch your blog. After that, create some high-quality content and wait until your blog starts driving traffic.
Check out: How to start a blog: Full guide to creating a blog on
However, AdSense has no policy for traffic. I mean even if you’re getting 500 visitors per day, AdSense may reject your application, or on the other hand, if you’re getting 50 visitors per day, AdSense may be approved your request.
Attention: Reasons behind Google AdSense suspension
So, there is no fix traffic volume. What I suggest you is that don’t apply for AdSense until you start getting a decent amount of traffic.
Major factors that affect Google AdSense approval
Even if you have a beautiful blog, AdSense not going to approve your request until your blog have these following features.
- Don’t apply for any third party network before getting AdSense approval
- Keep your blog clean, don’t mess with your content
- Create high-quality content
- No copied content – (How to remove copied content from google search )
- After creating your blog, Wait for a while to get indexed
- Create “about me”, “contact us” and “privacy & policy pages”
- Organize your site structure
- Keep your blog away from porn, counterfeit product or similar
If your blog is obeying these requirements, there are 100% chances of getting instant AdSense approval.
Attention: Basic eligibility to participate AdSense program
Now you know what Google AdSense is? Now it’s time to understand how AdSense works.
How does Google AdSense work?
As you come up with blog monetisation, it is always advisable to understand how AdSense works and how to make money with this.
One thing you must remember is that don’t think that you’ll become a millionaire overnight. In fact, it takes months to earn a single dollar. But once you start getting a tremendous amount of traffic, you can make a living out of it.
Like I said, AdSense is a network that partially connects publisher and advertiser. You don’t need to contact the advertiser (Who what to promote and sell their product and services) to make deals. Everything is ready for you.
To understand the process of AdSense, you need to know three terms –
- Publisher: Already discussed
- AdWords: This is an advertising network where advertiser run their ad campaign to promote product & services.
- Advertiser: Who advertise their products and services through AdWords network by running an ad campaign
Now you can easily understand the whole thing.
When you create an AdSense account, you’re asked to give your blog identity. AdSense team scan your whole site to measure the potential of your site. If they find your blog eligible, they approve your request, and you become a publisher.
Once you become AdSense publisher, you’re now able to access your AdSense account. As you put the ads on your site, you’re ready to promote the advertiser’s product & services.
AdSense uses the similar technology like Google, where they can easily understand the content relevancy and quality. On behalf of that, they serve ads on your blog.
Now if a person visits your blog, he sees those ads. If he wants to learn or buy that product or service, he will click that ad and redirect to corresponding product’s site.
As he clicks the ad, a certain amount of fraction goes to publisher’s AdSense account. Similarly, the same quantity is deducted from advertiser’s account.
So the Publisher is the beneficiary and advertiser is the remitter.
You’re not the only one who takes the money. Google also takes a fixed amount of share.
Google takes 32% if you’re running your site on a self-hosted server. The remaining 68% goes to the beneficiary account.
Google takes 45% if your site is on BlogSpot or Blogger. The remaining 55% goes to beneficiary account (publisher’s account).
An infographic view for understanding how Google AdSense works

Now I’m sure you’ve understood how AdSense Works. Further, I want to explain to you how you can earn with it.
For that, you need to apply for AdSense. Then wait until you get a confirmation email from AdSense team. This email notifies you whether you become an AdSense publisher.
Now, create your AdSense account. Once you’ve done, you need to generate AdSense ad code. Then put this code on your WordPress or blogger site.
If you don’t know how to do this, then I refer you to read these guides
Next, when you cross the AdSense address verification threshold which is $10, then you need to verify your AdSense address.
Ok, now your basic configuration is done. Next, you can do following things to increase your AdSense earnings.
- Increase your earnings by increasing CPC
- Increase your ad Viewability using these ad formats
- Use these tips to improve AdSense ad revenue
- Page level ads to boost profits
- Increase AdSense revenue using content matched ad units
Sometimes publishers ask these type of questions. You can check these guide to know the answer to these questions.
- How much can I earn from 1000 page views
- Why my AdSense account is suspended
- Why my google ads are not showing on my blog
Whenever you check earning reports, you see some technical terms that might confuse you. But now you don’t need to bother because I’ve almost covered each technical word so you can best understand your earning reports. They can also help you analyse your AdSense earnings in a better way. They also help you to get to know some insights of AdSense.
- What is Cost per click on AdSense
- What do you mean by CPM (cost per mile)?
- What is eCPM & CTR and page RPM
If you want to add more than one publishers to your AdSense account, then read this guide
Often, you might encounter AdSense login issues. If you’re still facing these issues then don’t worry here is a thorough guide to fix the login issues permanently.
If you’ve gotten AdSense approval with YouTube, then you can’t directly use that account to put the ads on your blog. For that, you need first to upgrade your hosted account to non-hosted account.
Hopefully, here is a guide that can help you to upgrade your AdSense account.
Finally, when your AdSense earnings cross the minimum payout threshold, then you need to collect your money into your bank account. But before taking your pay off, you need to know these things.
Apart from that, AdSense offers some extra privilege to their premium publishers. If you could become AdSense premium publisher, then you could earn real money, and you’ll never be getting fired from AdSense.
Do you want to become premium publisher then continue reading this guide given below: –
Eventually, I’ve done my job. Now it’s your turn. Go ahead and start learning everything steps by step. Once you know everything, you’ll come to understand how things work.
Analyze your performance and take corrective actions. Then only you can learn additional things.
The primary challenge to earn with AdSense is driving traffic.
If you could drive traffic, earning with AdSense is not so hard. Optimize your site for SEO so that you can boost your traffic.
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