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How to overcome fear

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Are you afraid of failing at something? Are you scared of being rejected or embarrassed? If yes, then you might want to read this article. This article will teach you how to overcome fear and get over your fears.

Fear is a natural human emotion that keeps you safe from danger. However, sometimes your fears become too much to handle. When you face a situation where you are afraid of failure, rejection, embarrassment, etc., you tend to freeze up. In such cases, you often don’t even try because you are scared of failing.

Overcoming fear is possible. The key lies in recognizing that fear is only a feeling, and once you realize that, you can start working towards overcoming it.

In this post, I will share some tips on overcoming fear with you. You can use these tips to overcome any fear.


What are the consequences of fear?

The most common consequence of fear is procrastination. Procrastination happens when you put off doing things that you should do, and it is one of the biggest reasons people fail to accomplish their goals.

Another reason for not accomplishing your goal is that you are afraid of what others think about you if you fail. They may reject you or judge you as someone who doesn’t have what it takes to succeed.

When you are afraid of failure or rejection, you are more likely to avoid taking risks. Taking risks means putting yourself out there by trying new things. But if you are afraid of failure and rejection, you won’t take those chances.

You also need to be aware of the fact that fear causes stress. Stress makes us feel anxious, and it’s an unpleasant emotional state caused by thoughts like “I’m not good enough” or “I’ll never succeed.” These thoughts make you worry about whether you will succeed or not.

If you are stressed, you are less productive than usual. And that makes you less effective.

So, if you are afraid of failing, you need to reduce your anxiety. Anxiety causes stress. And if you reduce your concern, you will reduce your stress levels. That way, you will focus better and achieve your goals.

So, you first need to recognize that fear is just a feeling. Then you need to figure out ways to control it.

Now let’s look at some tips on how to deal with fear. There are many ways to overcome fear, and some of them include:


How to Overcome Fear 

1. Focus on the positive aspects of whatever you are afraid of –

It sounds simple, but it works! When you are fearful of something, you tend to see all the negative aspects. For example, if you are afraid that you will fail school exams, you will probably imagine all the harmful outcomes of falling.

But what if you focused on the positive side of failing? What if you thought about all the good things that could happen instead? You could think about the opportunities that would come your way after failing.

For instance, you could think about the experience you would gain from learning to cope with failures. Or you could think about the skills you would develop through failure.

For example, instead of thinking negatively about being rejected, focus on all the benefits of getting accepted.


2. Try to Understand The Root Cause Of Your Fear 

Fear is a result of our past experiences. If we don’t know where our fears stem from, we cannot change them.

So, try to find out the root cause of your fears. Ask yourself questions like, “Why did my parents/teachers/friends tell me that I was going to fail?”

Once you identify the source of your fear, you can start working on overcoming it.


3. Change Your Perspective 

Our view of life shapes our behavior. If you believe that something is impossible, you are unlikely to try it.

So, when you are afraid of something happening, ask yourself why you are worried. Is it because you think that it is impossible? Or is it because you want to avoid facing reality?

Then, change your perspective. Think about what might happen if you were to face this situation head-on. How would you react? Would you panic? Would you get angry?

The answer to these questions may surprise you, and it might even shock you into realizing that you have been living under false assumptions.

This realization will help you realize that you are capable of doing anything. Even though you are afraid of something now, you can still take action.

You will realize that you have nothing to lose by changing your perspective. In other words, there is no reason for you to stay in a place of fear.


4. Do Something That Scares You

It is one of the most powerful tools to overcome fear. The more we practice doing scary things, the easier they become.

When you feel afraid, remember that you have already faced situations much scarier than this one. And you survived them without panicking.

You can use this knowledge to your advantage. Instead of trying to run away from your fears, confront them and learn from them.

Doing something scary will make you stronger and give you courage. So, do something dangerous today!


5. Use Visualization Techniques 

Visualization techniques are very effective in helping us deal with fear, and they allow us to create mental images of ourselves performing specific actions.

To visualize something, you need to first think about it, which helps us form an idea of what we want to achieve.

Next, you need to imagine yourself achieving success. Once you see yourself succeeding, you will begin to associate those feelings with your image.

As a result, you will automatically start feeling confident, and you will also be less likely to worry about failing.


6. Talk To Someone Who Has Done it Before 

Talking to people who have gone through similar situations is another excellent way to overcome fear.

If you have trouble getting started, ask someone who has already succeeded at whatever task you’re struggling with.

They can provide valuable advice and support.


7. Make a List Of All The Reasons Why You Should Succeed 

It’s easy to fall back into old habits when we are afraid. We tend to repeat behaviors that worked in the past.

But by making a list of all the benefits of taking action, you’ll find yourself more motivated to move forward.

Think about how good it feels to accomplish a goal. What will you gain by achieving this goal? Will you receive praise or recognition?

Will you earn money? Will you improve your relationship with others?

Make sure that each benefit on your list is something you want. If you don’t care about these rewards, you won’t be as motivated to act.


8. Take Small Steps Towards Your Goal 

Start with small steps. Doing small things first gives you confidence. As you gain experience, you will build your courage.

It will keep you focused on what needs to be accomplished. Small steps will prevent you from becoming overwhelmed by the enormity of your tasks.

Instead of thinking about the whole project at once, break down your goal into smaller parts.

Each step will lead you closer to your ultimate goal.


9. Keep Track Of Your Progress 

Keeping track of your progress will help you stay accountable, and it will also motivate you to continue working hard.

By tracking your daily activities, you will notice patterns and trends, and it will help you determine which areas require additional effort.


10. Think About The Worst-Case Scenario

When dealing with fear, it’s essential to consider the worst possible outcome.

We often underestimate the power of our imagination. When faced with a difficult situation, our minds come up with some pretty crazy ideas.

If you are afraid of failing, imagine the worst thing that could happen to you. Then, ask yourself what would happen if that happened. Would you lose your job? Would you lose friends? Would you suffer financial loss?

So, if you know that there’s a possibility of failure, try to prepare for it.


11. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness allows us to focus on the present moment without being distracted by negative thoughts. This technique helps you remain calm and relaxed during stressful times.


12. Practice Facing Your Fears

Facing your fears means doing what scares you. You may think that you are too scared to do something. But, if you are willing to take risks, you will eventually learn to face your fears. And sometimes, that means trying something new.

Even though it may seem scary, it will allow you to grow. You might even learn something new along the way.


13. Be Prepared For Setbacks

Sometimes, we get discouraged because we fail to achieve our goals.

The best way to deal with failure is not to let it stop you. Instead, use failures as learning opportunities.

You can choose to view them as temporary setbacks instead of permanent defeats. 

Remember, failure is part of life. No matter how much we want to succeed, sometimes we don’t. Accepting failures is crucial because it teaches us valuable lessons, and we can use this knowledge to improve ourselves.


14. Try Different Approaches

Don’t just stick to one method when overcoming fear. Try different techniques until you find out which works best for you.

For example, you might start by talking to someone who has overcome their fears. Or, you can read books or watch videos online.


15. Set Realistic Expectations

Setting unrealistic expectations can make you feel disappointed and demotivated. So, before setting any goals, set realistic ones.

It’s better to have small wins than significant losses. If you expect to win every time, you’ll never experience real success. And in this way, you won’t be able to build confidence. And you always have a fear of losing.

So, be honest with yourself. If you set high expectations, you won’t reach them. And it leads to fear of failure.


Benefits Of Overcoming Fear

It helps you become more confident – Fear makes us anxious and nervous. But, once we conquer our fears, we gain self-confidence.

 It helps you develop courage – Courage is defined as having the strength to act despite fear. It takes courage to overcome fear.

It helps you stay motivated – When we’re afraid, we tend to procrastinate. Procrastination causes us to put things off, so we feel overwhelmed. But, when we overcome our fears, we become more determined, which motivates us to work towards achieving our goals.

 It helps you reduce stress – When we’re stressed, we often worry about everything. Worrying doesn’t solve anything but only increases anxiety. However, we realize nothing to worry about when we overcome our fear.

 It helps you become stronger- When we face challenges, we learn new skills. And these skills help us grow.

 It helps you become less dependent on others – When we’re afraid, we depend on other people, and we need them to help us overcome our fear. But, when you overcome your fears, you no longer need anyone else. You can do it alone.

 It helps you become resilient – Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks. Resilient people don’t let failures stop them from moving forward.

 It helps you become optimistic – Optimism is the belief that things will turn out well. Optimists don’t dwell on negative thoughts. Instead, they focus on positive ones.

 It helps you become self-reliant  – Self-reliance means taking care of yourself. Self-reliant people don’t wait for someone else to rescue them.

 It helps you become more assertive – Assertiveness is speaking up for yourself. People who are assertive stand up for themselves.

 It helps you become determined – Determination is sticking to your goal no matter what. Determined people don’t quit.

It helps you become tolerantTolerance is accepting different opinions and beliefs. Tolerant people respect other people’s views.



Fear is a natural response to situations where you perceive danger, and it is a survival instinct that warns you to avoid harm.

It’s a normal emotion that everyone experiences at some point in their lives. Some people overreact to things that scare them, while others don’t. 

Overcoming fear requires practice, and the key is to keep practicing. And over time, you will become more confident.

Remember, it takes courage to change. So, keep practicing, and you will soon conquer your fears.

What are your tips to overcome fear? Share your experiences below!

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Picture of Shailesh Shakya
Shailesh Shakya

I'm a Professional blogger, Pinterest Influencer, and Affiliate Marketer. I've been blogging since 2017 and helping over 20,000 Readers with blogging, make money online and other similar kinds of stuff. Find me on Pinterest, LinkedIn and Twitter!

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