11 Best WordPress Google Analytics Plugins For Easy site Insights

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Do you use Google analytics? If so, then WordPress Google analytics plugins can help you to get all traffic insights right on your WordPress dashboard.

Along with the thousands of plugins, you can use analytics plugins to track down your site performance.

Isn’t it cool?

You don’t need to open Google analytics over and over again.

Here are the 11 WordPress Google analytics plugins you need to know.

Let’s get started…

#1. Slimstat Analytics [Freemium]

Slimstats analytics

When it comes to website analysis, it’s important to know how your website is performing. Slimstat Analytics makes sure to provide you with more in-depth site’s analytics.

It’s an excellent Google Analytics alternative. And it’s good to know that plugin can keep a watchful eye on your website.

With “Slimstat WordPress google analytics plugin”, a set of blocks are added to your WordPress admin area.  

Every block shows you the overview of: –

  • Top referring domain
  • Top known visitors
  • Real time visitors
  • Top search terms
  • Currently online
  • Visitors activity
  • Top web pages
  • Top countries
  • Pageviews
  • Audience
  • Traffic

A quick review of Slimstats Analytics

  • Free (a premium version is also available)
  • Open source project
  • Real-time access log
  • You can keep tracking the bounce rate of your site
  • You can export data to CSV file
  • Compatible with W3 total cache, WP super cache and CloudFlare etc.

However, you can’t ignore Google analytics, but this could be an extra option for many bloggers to keep an eye on their site’s statistics.


#2. Google Analytics dashboard plugins for WP by ExactMetrics [Free]

It is another free WordPress Google analytics plugin that you can install on your WordPress site.

Cleary, Google analytics is indispensable. But if you don’t want to login to your analytics, then GADWP is right for you.

With its simple interface, it remains a favourite of all webmasters.

It enables you to connect your real Google analytics with the WordPress dashboard. So, you don’t need to go anywhere.

One of the most important thing about this WordPress Google analytics plugin is that it’s free.

As you install this plugin, it will add an option to your WordPress admin left sidebar named as ‘Google Analytics’.

Under the google analytics option, you can see four settings: –

  1. General settings
  2. Backend settings
  3. Fronted settings
  4. Tracking code

There are a dozen parameters you need to set up. Once you’ve done, you can get all the analytics data right on your dashboard.

Let’s talk about its features: –

  • Free to use
  • Real time visitors and traffic source
  • Google analytics report of session, organic searches, page views and bounce rate analytics stats
  • You can set permission to give specific role and control the access of GADWP
  • Cross-domain tracking
  • GADWP enables you to easily track downloads, email, affiliate links other custom event categories
  • You can also allow Google tag manager tracking code that helps you measure ROI

There are many WordPress Google analytics plugins to use, but when you turn your attention to GADWP, you will see everything similar to Google analytics.

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#3. WD Google analytics [Freemium]

wd Google analytics

Similar to GAWP, WD google analytics is also loaded with a ton of features. It also enables you to bring your Google analytics report to WordPress dashboard.

Also, it is the certified member of Google Analytics Technology Partners Program.

Features: –

  • Free and premium
  • Analytics dashboard where you can get the general data of your website
  • Matric comparison
  • Goal management
  • Frontend report
  • User and role permission

However, all features are not free; you need to pay for using advanced features.


#4. MonsterInsights [Paid]

WordPress Google analytics MonsteInsights

With over 2 million downloads MonsterInsights becomes most popular Google Analytics plugins for WordPress users.

It allows you to enable all tracking features. And like other analytics plugins, it connects Google analytics account with your WordPress dashboard which gives more flexibility to your access.

MonsterInsights has made it possible to add powerful features like event tracking and e-commerce tracking.

It even gives you customised analytics reports and helps you learn more about your business goals.

Features: –

  • Audience report
  • Behaviour report
  • Content report
  • E-commerce report
  • Search console report
  • Custom dimension report
  • You can check the performance of Google AdSense

Also, it has universal tracking that gives you customised report for AMP and Facebook instant article.

Moreover, MonsterInsight doesn’t slow down your website loading speed.


#5. Analytify [Freemium]

Analytify WordPress Google analytics plugin

Analytify is one of the best WordPress Google analytics plugins you must be using. It could be another good choice you as a blogger or small businesses.

It is also a certified member of the Google Analytics technology partner program.

Although you enjoy using its free version. But the pro is also available which adds you extra features.

You can even do page level analysis or custom post level analysis. This way, you can analyse your post and learn how to optimise it for rank higher.

The Analytify lets you see Social media stats, real-time stats, frontend reporting and e-commerce tracking. 

Analytify includes: –

  • Simple and easy installation. You don’t need to add the code manually.
  • It provides you with a better version of e-commerce analytics
  • It’s also great for providing you with the bounce rate report of top pages
  • It helps in SEO optimisation
  • Non- technical interface

However, most of the advanced features are paid, but you can even take the benefits of the free version.

Also Read: – Best Chat plugins for WordPress to increase conversions 


#6. GA google analytics [Free]

GA google analytics

Whether you want to use paid plugins or a free one, GA google analytics is good. Similar to other plugins, you can sync it with your WordPress dashboard.

This WordPress google analytics is fantastic for those who don’t want to pay a single dime.

However, you can install “GADWP” plugin which is more potent than this. But you can still give it a try.


#7. Analytics cat [Free]

Analytics cat

As a free Google Analytics plugin, this is one of the easiest to use Analytics tool for tracking your website.

Once you’ve installed, head to Settings > Google analytics Manager and place your Google analytics code which you can get from your real analytics account.

You can set roles for your other WordPress blog partners to make sure you’re in the right hand. 

You’re all set. Now you can get all the data from Google analytics right on your WordPress Dashboard.


#8. Google analytics From ShareThis [Free]

WordPress Google analytics plugin

If you don’t want to use the above tools then you have another free option; Google analytics from ShareThis.

With this tool, you can track everything that you could do with real Google analytics account.

Additionally, it has a unique feature which lets you list trendy articles from your site so that you know what resonates with your audience the most.

One thing I like about this WordPress analytics plugin is that you can sign to receive alerts via email when content is taking off.

And the cool thing is that it is all for free. You don’t need to schedule your monthly payments.

Common feature: –

  • Easy to setup
  • Real-time report
  • User-friendly
  • It Generates a list of trendy article
  • Traffic sources
  • Mobile friendly
  • Important alerts via mail

#9. Google analytics By Amr M. Ibrahim [Freemium]

Lara Google analytics

This Google analytics, much the same as GA from ShareThis, provides a better user interface with full-width Analytics graphs.

It comes with the express setup which takes a few seconds to connect with your analytics. All you need is the tracking ID.

Moreover, if you don’t know how to set up this plugin, you can use the advanced wizard available on the left.

It also gives you a clear overview of sessions, page views, and bounce rate.  


#10. NK Google Analytics

WordPress NK Google analytics plugins

This WordPress Google analytics is not different than others. It adds required Javascript to track your site which is faster than older ga.js

It inserts tracking code on all pages, head & footer area. Besides, it supports classical, universal and remarketing tracking code which can add additional information to your WordPress admin area.

NK Google analytics includes: –

  • Free to use
  • Easy user interface
  • It supports Google tag manager
  • It does track login & register page


#11. CAOS | Host Google Analytics Locally

CAOS to host analytics locally

Do you want to self-host Analytics.js locally? If so, CAOS could be a good choice for you.

You don’t need to tweak with code, place your Google analytics ID and you’re all set.

CAOS uses WordPress integrated WP_corn() function to update Analytics.js file automatically.

Once you’ve installed and set-up the plugin, it downloads analytics.js from Google server and place tracking code where it is needed.

With this, you can get the exact results whenever you check your page loading speed using any of the speed checker tools.

Besides, it helps you minimise DNS requests which increases your loading speed.

Features: –

  • Free
  • You can set cookie expiry period
  • Minimise DNS requests
  • Leverage browser caching
  • Set adjusted bounce rate to get exact bounce rate.


Getting started with WordPress platform could be a better way to make your business profitable.

For betterment, it’s essential to make use of these analytic plugins that can help you get more information about your business or blog.

No doubt, Google analytics is one of the most common but essential tools that Google provides. But many a time webmasters don’t even open their Analytics for months.

And here what, they don’t care about users, bounce rate, traffic, business goals and much more.

I don’t think you should miss this data. So why don’t you connect Google analytics to your WordPress to get everything from Analytics on your WordPress Dashboard?

This is helpful because whenever you publish a new article, you’re prone to open WordPress at least twice a day and this serves an opportunity to take a look at on your analytics report.

Hopefully, after compiling these 11 WordPress Google analytics plugins, you have multiple options to keep an eye on your analytics report without login to your analytics account.

All you need is one plugin that fits you.

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Picture of Shailesh Shakya
Shailesh Shakya

I'm a Professional blogger, Pinterest Influencer, and Affiliate Marketer. I've been blogging since 2017 and helping over 20,000 Readers with blogging, make money online and other similar kinds of stuff. Find me on Pinterest, LinkedIn and Twitter!

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